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How do we help distressed businesses?

Strategic Planning

We dissect the underlying causes of distress. We analyse financial statements, identify cash flow issues, assess debt burdens, and pinpoint operational inefficiencies. This in-depth diagnosis forms the foundation for crafting a realistic turnaround strategy.

Debt Restructuring & Negotiation

Distressed businesses often grapple with a heavy debt load. We have the experience and skills to negotiate with lenders and creditors. We can explore options like debt restructuring, extending maturities, or negotiating more favourable interest rates.

Capital Raising

Usually, distressed businesses need an infusion of fresh capital. We can explore various options, such as securing new loans, attracting equity investors, or pursuing asset sales.

Communication & Stakeholder Management

Stressful situations often involve a multitude of stakeholders, including creditors, investors, and employees. We play a vital role in communicating effectively with these stakeholders, keeping them informed, managing expectations, and fostering collaboration during the turnaround process.

Cash Is King

What types of finance can we raise?

Bridging Loans

These act as short-term solutions for temporary funding gaps. They can bridge the time between selling an asset and acquiring a new one, or cover unexpected expenses, like a sudden equipment failure. Think of them as a temporary cash advance to maintain operations until your next round of funding arrives. Usually lasting from a few weeks to 12 months they carry high interest charges.

Term Loans

Debt financing that provides businesses with a lump sum of money upfront in exchange for repayment over a set period with fixed or variable interest. Secured and unsecured.

VAT Loans

VAT loans can be a valuable tool for businesses facing temporary cash flow challenges and needing to meet their VAT or corporation tax liabilities. They ensure on time payments to HMRC and spread the cost over a period of 3 to 12 months.

Invoice Finance

Invoice finance is a financial tool that helps businesses improve their cash flow by selling unpaid invoices to a third party company at a discount. The factor gives you a percentage of the invoice as cash and then collects the invoice payment to be repaid.

Credit Lines

Offering flexibility, lines of credit provide pre-approved access to a specific amount of capital. Similar to a business credit card, you only pay interest on the utilised amount, making them ideal for covering operational expenses or fluctuating costs, such as seasonal inventory purchases.

Development Finance

Geared towards financing the construction or major renovation of commercial property, development finance acts as a temporary bridge until the project is complete and generates its own income stream or is sold for a profit.

Expert Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes – HMRC can absolutely chase a dissolved company. They have six years from the date of dissolution and twenty years if they believe and fraud or negligence has taken place.
Yes, you can. However, should your conduct as a director be called into question for the company you were a director of, you could be banned at a later stage.
No it will not. Being the director of a limited company limits the liability to the company. That is providing you have acted as any reasonable person would whilst running the business and not signed up to any personal guarantees or have an overdrawn directors loan account.
Please contact us at your earliest convenience. We can provide guidance on the Company’s ability to repay these amounts over time and assist in negotiating a suitable time-to-pay arrangement with HMRC on your behalf. Acting promptly increases the likelihood of HMRC providing assistance.
Fees vary depending on the level of work that needs to be undertaken and the level of specialism that needs to be given.
Disqualification under the Company Directors Disqualification Act bars former directors from holding director positions in UK-linked limited liability or overseas companies. They are also prohibited from involvement in setting up or managing such entities.