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Benefits of a Pre-Pack Administration

Speed & Efficiency

One of the significant advantages of Pre-pack administration is the speed at which it can be executed. As the negotiations are conducted in advance, the sale can be finalised quickly once the company enters administration. This rapid process minimises disruption to the business, allowing it to continue operations almost seamlessly.

Value Preservation

By selling the assets at a negotiated price, Pre-pack administration aims to preserve the value of the company. Unlike traditional administrations, where assets may be sold through open-market sales, Pre-Pack Administration ensures that the company’s assets are sold collectively at fair market value, maximising returns for creditors and stakeholders.

Business Continuity

Pre-pack administration allows for business continuity, providing a lifeline to companies facing financial difficulties. As the business is sold as a going concern, it can continue to trade under the new ownership, safeguarding jobs and maintaining relationships with suppliers and customers.

Flexibility & Control

Directors have more control over the process in Pre-pack administration. They can work closely with insolvency practitioners to negotiate the terms of the sale and identify potential buyers. This level of involvement enables directors to make decisions that align with the best interests of the business moving forward.

Pre-pack administrations are not going to be the best option in all cases. They are frequently deemed unethical due to debt write-offs, yet the reality is that other insolvency measures may not yield better returns for creditors.

Expert Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes – HMRC can absolutely chase a dissolved company. They have six years from the date of dissolution and twenty years if they believe and fraud or negligence has taken place.
No it will not. Being the director of a limited company limits the liability to the company. That is providing you have acted as any reasonable person would whilst running the business and not signed up to any personal guarantees or have an overdrawn directors loan account.
Yes, you can. However, should your conduct as a director be called into question for the company you were a director of, you could be banned at a later stage.
Fees vary depending on the level of work that needs to be undertaken and the level of specialism that needs to be given.
Please contact us at your earliest convenience. We can provide guidance on the Company’s ability to repay these amounts over time and assist in negotiating a suitable time-to-pay arrangement with HMRC on your behalf. Acting promptly increases the likelihood of HMRC providing assistance.
Disqualification under the Company Directors Disqualification Act bars former directors from holding director positions in UK-linked limited liability or overseas companies. They are also prohibited from involvement in setting up or managing such entities.