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Understanding Charges in Business: Fixed vs Floating Charges

Published on: 01 November 2023

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Understanding Charges in Business: Fixed vs Floating Charges
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Asset security often brings you face-to-face with terms like “fixed charges” and “floating charges.” These concepts play pivotal roles in determining how lenders secure their loans against a company’s assets. If you’re looking to grasp these charges, you’re in the right place!

Introduction: Asset Security

Lenders, particularly banks, require some form of security when extending loans or credit facilities to businesses. This ensures they have a means to recover their money in case the borrower defaults. This is where fixed and floating charges come into play, acting as protective mechanisms for these lenders.

The Fixed Charge Explained

  1. Asset Specificity: A hallmark of the fixed charge is its attachment to particular, identifiable assets. These might be tangible assets like land or machinery or intangibles like patents.
  2. Asset Control: Assets tethered to a fixed charge aren’t freely at the company’s disposal. Selling or replacing them often requires the nod of the lender.
  3. Repayment Priority: Should a company go under; fixed charge holders stand first in line to get repaid from the sale of the secured assets.

The Floating Charge Explained

  1. General Asset Attachment: Contrary to fixed charges, floating charges are tied to fluctuating assets like inventory, cash flow, or accounts receivable.
  2. Operational Flexibility: Companies can transact with assets under a floating charge without hindrance. However, certain triggers, like loan default, can solidify or “crystalise” this charge, turning it into a fixed one on existing assets.
  3. Lower Repayment Standing: In case of insolvency, floating charge holders are in line for repayment after their fixed charge counterparts and certain other creditors.

Fixed vs. Floating: A Quick Comparison

While both charges provide lenders with security, their application, control, and priority differ:

  • Asset Type: Fixed charges pertain to specific assets, whereas floating charges hover over a pool of assets.
  • Operational Control: Fixed charges restrict asset transactions, whereas floating charges offer more leeway until they crystalise.
  • Repayment Hierarchy: Fixed charges promise primary repayment, while floating charges come with a slightly elevated risk for lenders due to their secondary standing.


Fixed and floating charges, while seemingly complex, boil down to how lenders secure their interests. By understanding these mechanisms, businesses can better understand financing negotiations, ensuring clarity and compliance every step of the way.

For businesses and lenders alike, a grasp of these concepts ensures informed decision-making, aligning loan terms with operational realities. If you need some advice, don’t hesitate to get in touch!